Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pass Parameter As DataGridItemEventArgs

A Form has a DataGrid & a Button. The DataGrid's ItemDataBound event
calls a sub named 'BindData'. This sub first finds a Label which exists
in the ItemTemplate of the TemplateColumn of the DataGrid & does some
work with the Label.

Sub BindData(obj As Object, ea As DataGridItemEventArgs)
Dim lbl As Label

If (ea.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Or ea.Item.ItemType =
ListItemType.AlternatingItem) Then
lbl = ea.Item.FindControl("lblAcre")
End If
End Sub

The Button has the Click event which invokes a sub named 'SubmitPage'.

Sub SubmitPage(obj As Object, ea As EventArgs)
End Sub

Now I did like the 'SubmitPage' sub to invoke the 'BindData' sub. How
do I accomplish this? In other words, what parameters do I pass from
the 'SubmitPage' sub to the 'BindData' sub which the latter expects?You can't get DataGridItemEventArgs in SubmitPage (it is event argument data
type specific to a event, so it's not even wise to use as input to a
method), but you can loop through the DataGrid manually.

Sub SubmitPage(obj As Object, ea As EventArgs)

For each dgitem As DataGridItem in DataGrid1.Items

Dim lbl As Label=Nothing

If (dgitem.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Or dgitem.ItemType =
ListItemType.AlternatingItem) Then
lbl = dgitem.FindControl("lblAcre")
'Do something with the Label
End If


End Sub

Teemu Keiski
ASP.NET MVP, AspInsider
Finland, EU
<rn5a@.rediffmail.comwrote in message


Originally Posted by

>A Form has a DataGrid & a Button. The DataGrid's ItemDataBound event
calls a sub named 'BindData'. This sub first finds a Label which exists
in the ItemTemplate of the TemplateColumn of the DataGrid & does some
work with the Label.
Sub BindData(obj As Object, ea As DataGridItemEventArgs)
Dim lbl As Label
If (ea.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Or ea.Item.ItemType =
ListItemType.AlternatingItem) Then
lbl = ea.Item.FindControl("lblAcre")
End If
End Sub
The Button has the Click event which invokes a sub named 'SubmitPage'.
Sub SubmitPage(obj As Object, ea As EventArgs)
End Sub
Now I did like the 'SubmitPage' sub to invoke the 'BindData' sub. How
do I accomplish this? In other words, what parameters do I pass from
the 'SubmitPage' sub to the 'BindData' sub which the latter expects?

Thanks, Teemu...that's exactly what I was looking out for

Teemu Keiski wrote:


Originally Posted by

You can't get DataGridItemEventArgs in SubmitPage (it is event argument data
type specific to a event, so it's not even wise to use as input to a
method), but you can loop through the DataGrid manually.
Sub SubmitPage(obj As Object, ea As EventArgs)
For each dgitem As DataGridItem in DataGrid1.Items
Dim lbl As Label=Nothing
If (dgitem.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Or dgitem.ItemType =
ListItemType.AlternatingItem) Then
lbl = dgitem.FindControl("lblAcre")
'Do something with the Label
End If
End Sub
Teemu Keiski
ASP.NET MVP, AspInsider
Finland, EU
<rn5a@.rediffmail.comwrote in message


Originally Posted by

A Form has a DataGrid & a Button. The DataGrid's ItemDataBound event
calls a sub named 'BindData'. This sub first finds a Label which exists
in the ItemTemplate of the TemplateColumn of the DataGrid & does some
work with the Label.

Sub BindData(obj As Object, ea As DataGridItemEventArgs)
Dim lbl As Label

If (ea.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Or ea.Item.ItemType =
ListItemType.AlternatingItem) Then
lbl = ea.Item.FindControl("lblAcre")
End If
End Sub

The Button has the Click event which invokes a sub named 'SubmitPage'.

Sub SubmitPage(obj As Object, ea As EventArgs)
End Sub

Now I did like the 'SubmitPage' sub to invoke the 'BindData' sub. How
do I accomplish this? In other words, what parameters do I pass from
the 'SubmitPage' sub to the 'BindData' sub which the latter expects?


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