Monday, March 26, 2012

Pass Username and Pwd to database query in WebMartix?

I have an application that uses a login screen to pass UserName and Password to a details page. Then I use a SELECT query to generate a datagrid using UserName and Pwd as WHERE clause.

I have inserted a couple of label.texts to verify the variable make the second page.

How do I get the query to limit the return to only the records matching the UserName & Pwd combination?

ScottYou don't really want to pass the password around your site. And hopefully you're not allowing multiple duplicate usernames as long as the password is different.

If you're using authentication then it's somewhat safe to assume that the username is valid once they're logged in.

I.E. on your login page you set an authorization cookie.

On your details page you access their username via this cookie and use that as a parameter to your stored procedure/SQL Query.


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