I was doing it with session variables, but I really don't need them to be part of the session, just there long enough to load the next page.
I tried hardcoding something like
but I don't know how to pick it up on the next page. I tried with the viewstate but It never finds it?
Can someone explain to me, or pont to an article how I should be doing this..
ThanksIf you did want to take the querystring approach (i.e. "nextpage.aspx?name=....") then you can retrieve your values out of the querystring like so:
Dim strName As String = Request.QueryString("Name")
Storing your values in ViewState won't help you on the next page because ViewState is a page-by-page storage medium, not a page-to-page storage medium.
Ok thanks, Is the queryString approach generally the most common used? What other ways are there to do this?
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