In my Recipes.aspx (webform2) I am trying to declare the sourcepage variable using RecipesFinder (webform1)
Webform 1
namespace RecipeFind
public class RecipeFinder
public class Recipes :System.Web.UI.Page
public RecipeFinder sourcepage;
etc etc
I get
If I use the namespace of webform1 I get
err : RecipeFind denotes a namespace where a class was expected
If I use the class name of Webforn1 I get
err: The type or namespace name RecipeFinder could not be found (are you missing a using
directive or assembly)
any ideasI don't understand what you are asking. If you want to pass a value from one page to another you can use the QueryString or the Session/Application collectons to keep a value while the page is destroyed and a new one created. You may also be able to use Server.Transfer.
many thanks
I am getting these errors and clearly missing something what I wanted was ideas to make the code I am using work OK
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