Friday, March 16, 2012

Passing an Array as a Property

I need some help with the syntax of creating a property, as i don't understand them very well.
I would like to use the following in a property:

SqlParameter [] param = new SqlParameter[3];

param[0] = new SqlParameter("", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 3);
param[0].Value = this.TextBox1.Text;
the textboxes are also in another class (webform), so i'm not sure how can i use them as well.
If anybody has any suggestions, i'd really appreciate it.The syntax to create a property in a class is as follows:

1) create a private variable in the class to hold and return the value
2) create the Get & Set accessors for the private variable described in 1


This will create a "Customer Name" property to a class:

private string _customerName;

public string CustomerName
return _customerName;

Now with the syntax out of the way.. your specific question .. try this.. I am doing this from memory but it should work:

private SqlParameter[] _parameters;

public SqlParameter[] Parameters
return _parameters;
_parameters = value;

Now.. to use the property, you could do this:

MyObject obj = new MyObject();
obj.Parameters = new SqlParameter[2];
obj.Parameters[0] = new SqlParameter("@.par1","some value");
obj.Parameters[1] = new SqlParameter("@.par2","some value");

Hope this helps,


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