Friday, March 16, 2012

passing a variable to frame from a datagrid...

what i want to do is when i click on an item on a datagrid,the selected item would be sent to other frame.
I use javascript to send data to other frame. But problem is when i select item, first javascript called and then method called. Do you know how to call method first and then javascript function..or do you have any idea to do same thing?

Thank you very much!are you dnamically loading a new page in the frame?

if so, pass parameters in the url like "page.aspx?param=value"

then in the page, look at the Request.Params property to get the values.

or set a session variable in the main page, and read it out in the frame page
No, the page in the frame is not dynamically loading.
Do you know how to refresh a page in a frame from other frame?



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